1TRYXSRC.ZIP 339,502 05-21-94 This is the Source of my first Super Nintendo
ADA_TUTR.ZIP 240,880 08-22-94 ADA-TUTR 3.00 Ada-9X Programming Lang. TutorInteractive Ada tutor now includes the latestAda-9X material. When run on a PC, nocompiler is needed, but the docs. include alist of PC Ada compilers, some inexpensive.
Ada source code is included, so ADA-TUTR willrun on other computers with Ada compilers,such as mainframes. Ada is a superiorprogramming language. You can earn moneydistributing this shareware.
ALSRC121.ZIP 10,069 09-23-93 Source Code for ALGEN v1.21
BANSI001.ZIP 8,243 04-18-94 BANSI.DOC - ANSI programming standard (c)1994 by Paul Wheaton of Banana Banana ANSI isa list of the ANSI term codes that BananaComuses. It includes escape sequences andcontrol codes it receives as well as what it
sends for different keystrokes. ANSI musicconflicts are addressed.
BETA301.ZIP 180,111 02-06-94 THE BETA TEST PROGRAM v3.01 <ASP> Thisapplication is designed to assist softwareauthors in developing a beta test program.The application includes a report generatorthat assists in insolation of bugs in beta
software. Registration $19.00
BOOKBIB.ZIP 16,425 03-07-94 Borland Products Related Book Bibliography
BRO30_.ZIP 9,185 05-26-94 2.1 Incremental Browse in 3.008.
BTINS151.ZIP 72,778 06-03-94 BT Install v1.51 - Install YOUR Windowsapplication. Script controlled; user choosesprogr.-dir; Check free space, Create dir's;Access to Windows/System-dir, More.
CNCLINT1.ZIP 22,892 04-30-94 CNC source code beautifier. CNCLINT is autility program that provides machinists andCNC programmers an easy method to clean upand beautify CNC source code text files.
CODE110.ZIP 280,099 06-28-94 CODE-A-LINE 1.1 <ASP> Outline Editor andPrinter for Source Code. Represent structureby indenting lines. Fold/unfold programelements to hide/reveal pgm. details. Editand restructure with unlimited Undo. Print
professional file listings with line numbersand headers. Customizable fonts, colors, etc.Drag'n'Drop to open files. Req. Win 3.1Windows - Utilities OPTIMAX CORPORATION
CODLB103.ZIP 502,389 06-01-94 Code Librarian for Windows, version 1.03. Afunction/procedure/object and code fragmentarchiver which allows the programmer to placeall of their favorite code samples into oneplace, and have them at hand whenever they
are needed.
COSTAR.ZIP 232,438 01-01-94 CoStar v1.00 <ASP> A tool to 'clean-up' &re-format COBOL source code. The resultingcode is a properly structured module thatprovides improved readability, simpler logicflow, minimized maintanance time and program
uniformityy. A must in every COBOLprogrammers toolbox.
DBGTERM.ZIP 22,490 06-23-94 Dbgterm - is a replacement of the Windows SDKDbWin debug which redirects all output to thedebugging terminal into a window instead of asecond monitor or the aux-chanel.
DCPU.ZIP 33,461 06-24-94 CPU and NDP ID Routines - includes CPU andmath routines that identify common CPU's,Pentium, 486DLC, 486SLC, 386SX, 386DX etc aswell as common math corprocessors. MASMsource, medium model .OBJ, and a demo program
are included.
DDJ0494.ZIP 336,016 06-26-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal April 1994
DDJ0594A.ZIP 531,971 07-04-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal May 1994 (1 Of 2)
DDJ0594B.ZIP 601,748 07-04-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal May 1994 (2 Of 2)
DDJ0694A.ZIP 308,375 07-12-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal June 1994 (1 Of 3)
DDJ0694B.ZIP 730,367 07-12-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal June 1994 (2 Of 3)
DDJ0694C.ZIP 310,626 07-12-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal June 1994 (3 Of 3)
DDJ0794A.ZIP 465,043 09-04-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal July 94 (1 Of 2)
DDJ0794B.ZIP 1582,776 09-04-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal July 94 (2 Of 2)
DDJ0894.ZIP 705,961 09-04-94 Dr. Dobbs Journal August 94
DDJ9401.ZIP 302,670 12-04-93 Dr Dobbs Journal January 1994
DDJ9402.ZIP 266,416 12-22-93 Dr Dobbs Journal February 1994
DIFF110.ZIP 46,315 12-16-93 DIFF v1.10 <ASP> - File/Dir/ZIP DifferencesSide by side display of two text files,directories or ZIP archives. Useful forprogrammers to see the differences betweentwo source text files or two sets of files,
where one or both sets can reside in a ZIParchive. Various formating options. Windowsversion (WDiff) also available. Shareware(US$ 15.- MC/Visa/AmEx/JCB) C.SitteSoftwaretechnik, CIS 73030,1070
DISAS.ZIP 38,966 06-07-94 DISASTER Interactive disassembler Thisprogram reads a COM, SYS or EXE file and whatis code and what is data. The user can it,add comments and meaningful labels. Even itproduced which can be re-assembled in diff
System requirements: 384K Systemrecommendations: color screen, mouse Thisprogram is distributed as shareware, the is$50. Author: Feico Nater Shareware, Beukweg24, 7556 DE He Netherlands.
DOSDEMO.ZIP 43,172 05-24-94 This is a demo of PC Install for DOS version2.07. The program creates a proffessionalinstallation routine for the distribution ofsoftware. It modifies system files, checksdrive space, checks CPU type, creates
directories, deals with compression andmultiple disks and can do partial installsbased on end-user input.
DOSLBS.ZIP 32,481 03-14-94 Source code to the DOSLIBS for CDD 3.0.
DOSREF33.ZIP 315,117 01-20-94 Programmer's Technical Reference - yourcomplete source for programming IBM computersrunning MSDOS. Hardware, BIOS, DOS, and thirdparty applications are covered. This freedemo version is better than most printed
books, the full version's enormous size makesit unequalled in completeness. Version 3.3
DSN3GA.ZIP 60,931 10-20-93 Developer Support News. PSP's Developer Assi
DSN3HA.ZIP 36,904 11-16-93 Developer Support News. PSP's Developer Assi
DSN3IA.ZIP 49,180 12-15-93 Developer Support News. PSP's Developer Assi
DSN3II.ZIP 93,117 03-01-94 Developer Support News. Psp's DeveloperAssistance Program
DSN4DA.ZIP 58,519 03-15-94 Developer Support news 1994 issue 4. ASCIIfile.
DSN4F.ZIP 113,806 05-13-94 Ascii File. Developer Support News.
DSN4HA.ZIP 65,489 07-15-94 Developer Support News. 1994 Issue 8.
DSN4I.ASC 109,070 08-02-94 Developer Support News. 1994 Issue 9.
DSN4JA.ZIP 133,213 08-15-94 Developer Support News. 1994 Issue 10.
DSN93I.ZIP 46,991 03-21-94 Ibm Developer Support News 93 Issue 1
DWNSRS59.ZIP 105,012 03-01-94 Downsort 5.9: Complete Source Material
EDCTL1.ZIP 94,738 07-26-94 32-Bit text edit control source code sample.
EDSV4064.ZIP 137,580 03-19-94 EDS 40.64 - programming environment for the Elanguage.
EI20.ZIP 225,229 08-08-94 EASY INSTALL VERSION 2.0 <ASP> SelfInstalling Distribution Disk Maker EasyInstall makes compressed self installingdisks for progam distribution - No scriptlanguage to learn - Just tell Easy Install
the name of your program and the directory inwhich it can be found - The rest isautomatic. Utilities - Disk/File Reg. $40EASY SOFTWARE
EMSAW40S.ZIP 28,769 06-11-94 Huge arrays in ems memory. Up to 82mb, inTurbo Pascal, C, Fortran, and other langs. 80
EMXFIX04.ZIP 474,460 02-21-94 Fix Package For Emx 0.8h. Contains Fixes AndNew Features
EPS.ZIP 36,906 06-24-94 EPSPrint - contains a unit which allows theincorporation of encapsulated PostScript(EPS) files into the printer output producedusing the OPrinter unit. A demo program isalso included. Full source code is include. A
PostScript printer driver is required.
EUPHOR12.ZIP 440,558 06-05-94 Euphoria Programming Language v1.2 PublicDomain Edition for DOS/Windows. Simple,flexible, powerful and easy to learn. 10-20xfaster than Microsoft QBasic. No 640K limit.Complete Reference Manual. Over 11,000 lines
of free source code, including: full-screeneditor with color syntax highlighting; 3DTicTacToe; real-time space war game;Mandelbrot generator; and many more. Seereadme.doc and install.doc.
EXELOCK.ZIP 30,956 05-06-94 EXELock is a pgm to provide the professionalsoftware developer a secure/effective methodfor distribution of shareware and demos
EZINST11.ZIP 53,251 05-03-94 >> EZINST v1.1 - Easy Installation << EZinstis an installation program for MicrosoftWindows. It was designed for programmers,consultants, and other users who need aprogram to easily install Windows
FANCY.ZIP 126,226 06-16-94 Fancy Toolbar Demo - allows you to put littleyellow help boxes in your applications. WIN31and Windown NT demos are included.
FGIN130.ZIP 66,910 02-26-94 Line Input Programming Library For Use WithFastgraph
FGL305A.ZIP 326,702 06-14-94 Fastgraph/Light graphics library V3.05High-performance graphics toolkit for BC++,TC, TC++, MSC, QuickC, Power C, ZC++, QB,BASIC PDS, VBDOS, Turbo Pascal, and MS FTN.Over 175 routines, from pixel display to
animation tools. 28 video modes supportingCGA through 1024x768x256 SVGA.
FGL305B.ZIP 261,883 06-14-94 Fastgraph/Light graphics library V3.05 User'sGuide and Reference Manual. Use withFGL305A.ZIP.
FGL305F.ZIP 49,641 06-16-94 Fastgraph/Light graphics library V3.05FORTRAN source code for the example programsin the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use withFGL305A.ZIP.
FGSCROLL.ZIP 29,481 03-04-94 Fgscroll Shows How To Create A ScrollingBackground
FINISH28.ZIP 120,208 05-10-94 THE FINISHING TOUCH, version 2.8, 10-May-94,a professional software installation programfor developers to distribute with theirsoftware. It compresses files 50%+, displaysshadowed windows, reads across floppies,
checks hardware, modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT andCONFIG.SYS, prints or views ASCII files, doeserror checking, and more! Includes 67 pagesof documentation and five sample script filesWritten by ImagiSOFT, Inc, an ASP Member.
FNTPAK31.ZIP 309,806 07-24-94 Font Pak Pro (3.1) Fonts, icons, mouse shapeand more for C/Pascal/QuickBASIC/PDS/VB-DOS/PowerBASICprogrammers. * Load 1-8 fonts/use 2at once in TEXT mode! Use the same fonts inGRAPHICS mode! * Change the shape of LINES,
MOUSE CURSORS (in text -or- graphics moddes).* Display ICONS (symbols) in text -or- gfx. *Create 14- to 100-line TEXT-mode screens! *Many other video routines included. *Efficient, small assembler routines. * Font
editor and fonts included. Over 100 fontsincluded in registered versions.
FP_DEMO.ZIP 58,922 07-24-94 Font Pak DEMO. Small program demonstratingmany options of Font Pak.
FREECOMP.ZIP 111,333 05-07-94 Catalog Of Free Development Compilers &Interpreters And Where To Ftp Them
FSDB091A.ZIP 78,565 03-15-94 Sally Full Screen Debugger, User interface tthe old DJGPP debugger,C source
FSTSP30.ZIP 224,622 06-15-94 FastSprite3-Vfast sprite unit for TpascalVery good, well documented with amazingsurreal space game w/ source included! A mustfor any serious game programmers. Easily use50, 60 or more simultaneous moving objects.
Works with 256 color 320 x 200 mode. Very,very fast! Completely uncrippled. Get it!
FUNLIB.ZIP 68,540 05-13-94 A number of useful CDD 3.0 functions.
GDM003.ZIP 417,058 02-25-94 All game designers MUST download this programyc's Sprite Editor is a 32x32x256 sprite editvideo game program designers for the IBM PC.requires a SVGA card capable of 640x480x256 a
with VESA, Trident or Video7 and a MS compatioutputs C or Pascal source and is fully loadefunctions. Very nicely done with a very intuicompact! A great addition to your game desig
GETPIXEL.ZIP 31,845 02-04-94 Toolbook File To Get The Rgb Value Of A Pixel
GO230.ZIP 207,747 06-08-94 GO UTILITIES 2.30. Utilities for DOS softwaredevelopers.
GRAFX320.ZIP 33,383 03-15-94 Screen-capture system for Windows and DOSsupports 16-color, 256-color, and 24-bitTrueColor. The Windows program can pop upwhen the PrtSc key is pressed. Save theentire screen, the currently active window,
or a cropped rectangle to a BMP, GIF, or PCXfile. The DOS program can be activated fromwithin a DOS application to save a graphicsscreen directly to a GIF or a PCX file, or atext screen to an ASCII file.
GSMOK03C.ZIP 51,561 02-09-94 GUNSMOKE ver 0.3C - ($5) GUNSMOKE is CAVEInc's Quality Assurance Engineer, writingunder the nom de silicon Jack Ascii. Thisdisk includes various asininities, comments &gossip of interest to shareware authors, and
reviews of assorted software. GUNSMOKE.QAE isa list of 592 shareware vendors rated bytheir catalog and author support (or lackthereof).
GUIDE101.ZIP 47,386 02-12-94 GUIDE Freeware 1.01: the Generic UniversalIntegrated Development Environment forProgrammers. An IDE for ANY command-linecompiler. Up to 5 files open at once,definable compiler, linker, editor and
viewer. Run your compiled program and viewoutput at any time! Easy & flexible filenamepassing, pull- down menus and hotkeyssimplify everything! Freeware by Stephan BealMinor bog fix from version 1.0 Feb. 10, 1994
GUSLIB.ZIP 103,915 08-27-94 Assembly Programmers Library to the Gravis Ul
HELLLP23.ZIP 367,026 06-15-94 HELLLP! v2.3a <ASP> Windows Help File Authoraid for Word for Windows 2.0c, 6.0 or better.User friendly. Automatically sets up toplevel table of contents with jumps to topics,search keys and browse sequences in place.
You add additional jumps by "Point & Shoot"techniques. Can add sound effects.
HELPDOC.ZIP 207,210 06-24-94 WCS HelpDoc - allows software developers tocreate on-line help and a user's manual froma single source. Features include integratedOLE support, auto-format, hypertext jumpsfrom withing pictures/graphs/ole objects, and
much more. Requires VBRUN300.
HEXUTIL.ZIP 19,379 01-14-94 The Command Line Hex Utility, version 1.0This program will let you modify a singlebyte at a time by the command line, insteadof using a hex editor. Works well with a filethat is hexed often, and you tire of manually
editing it when there is nothing that changesIs a public domain file, has complete TurboC++ 3.0 source code. Hex, Free Written by:Davin Weinzimmer
HOGDISK.ZIP 9,875 06-09-94 HogDisk - will reduce your available diskspace to the specified amount. This can beuseful for testing the system requirements ofyour applications.
ICONB220.ZIP 47,133 02-08-94 VB Icon Browser v. 2.20. View, print, andmanage Windows .ICO icons. Now includeson-line help! VB source code and iconsprovided with registration! RequiresVBRUN300.DLL.
IMPRT28A.ZIP 54,821 05-18-94 Imports Text To Note2.Dat..Fix.
INCVAR10.ZIP 17,470 01-12-94 INCVAR Version 1.00 - Used to increment anenvironment variable. The number ofcharacters in the variable is invariant - youstart with one and there is not increase totwo. Up to 150 characters is allowed. A
series over time may be: 5,6,7,8,9,0,1 for asingle number, ax,ay,az,ba, etc for a lengthof 2 characters, or 69y, 69z, 70a for 3characters, etc.
INDEN9.ZIP 39,199 03-08-94 Updated Auxiliary Files For Gnu Rcs
INS200.ZIP 96,140 07-07-94 Latest version of the User Friendly InstallUtility for your programs. New featuresinclude language support, custom messages,enhanced config file, auto-run mode, colorcontrol, sys file updates and much more.
INSPRO.ZIP 378,554 09-02-94 EDI Install Pro v3.0. Full-featuredinstallation utility for Windows.
INSTEZ.ZIP 162,375 06-01-94 Install / Easy Version 1.1 is a full-featuredWindows Application Installer package that isEASY & FAST to use. Copies and decompresses,creates directories, installs icons intoProgram Manager Groups, modifies INI files,
displays "Read-Me" files, etc. No Scripts!Requires Windows 3.1 or later. Sharewareregistration fee $19.95 (US).
INSTWARE.ZIP 64,769 05-21-94 InstallWare is a small, easy to useapplication installation program for Windowsapplications. It costs nothing to use if youare distributing shareware or freeware. THISIS VERSION 3.1
INSTY21.ZIP 74,239 06-08-94 INSTY v2.1 A configurable install program forprogrammers. Much better than any batch-fileinstall: Checks for files checks sufficientdisk space and valid drive & directory,allows 3 sets of optional files, can alter
PATH, does NOT use DOS 'copy',install up to100 files, nice user interface, etc. Newversion can now create subdir up to 15 deep.Req. 256K RAM and color. Eric Jarrett -Richmond, VA
INTER42A.ZIP 401,727 08-07-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 42 AComprehensive listing of interrupt calls,both documented and undocumented. Containssome 6475 entries (plus more than 2200tables) in INTER42A to INTER42C, and
conversion programs to create hypertextdatabases as well as other miscellaneousprograms in INTER42D.
INTER42B.ZIP 403,438 08-07-94 Comprehensive Listing Of Interrupt Calls, 2Of 3
INTER42C.ZIP 265,251 08-07-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 42 AComprehensive listing of interrupt calls,both documented and undocumented. Containssome 6475 entries (plus more than 2200tables) in INTER42A to INTER42C, and
conversion programs to create hypertextdatabases as well as other miscellaneousprograms in INTER42D.
INTER42D.ZIP 372,960 08-07-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 42 AComprehensive listing of interrupt calls,both documented and undocumented. Containssome 6475 entries (plus more than 2200tables) in INTER42A to INTER42C, and
conversion programs to create hypertextdatabases as well as other miscellaneousprograms in INTER42D.
INWIN316.ZIP 273,624 06-05-94 MARK'S INSTALL V1.6 Easy to Configure WindowsInstall Program for Programmers can bedistributed with your software, no royalties,ZIP file support, example included, alternateicons, scan for space low cost for C source
IPXSPX.ZIP 69,259 09-02-94 IPX/SPX Custom Controls - allows you tocreate applications that can communicate asclients and/or servers on Novell NetWarenetworks. (Note: you must use the -d optionwhen unzipping this program to recreate the
proper directory structure.)
ITEMLIST.ZIP 11,297 02-19-94 ItemList - is a set of calls that provide anapplication a method to manage a last fileloaded list facility. It uses a dynamicallyallocated list of item names with which tomanage Windows menu calls.
JANUSW.ZIP 69,147 05-31-94 JanusW - is a set of two objects which enableprogrammers to create dialogs as MDI childwindows, create BorDlgs from standardresources, and standard dialogs from BorDlgresources. NEW: support for CTL3D and VBXcontrols.
KBDHAND9.ZIP 29,421 06-15-94 INT9 (IRQ1) keyboard handler #9 by Patch(hamell@cs.pdx.edu)
LANLIB10.ZIP 104,933 06-30-94 LANLIB v1.0: library of routines written inassembler for communication amongst multiplePCs using the IPX protocol, the low-levellanguage spoken by Novell's NetWare; designedto be called from C, but can with assembler,
C , Pascal, or any other language
LCMS.ZIP 104,755 06-09-94 Laurel COBOL Maintenance Support System 2.0is a maintenance programmer's productivityimprovement tool. This system convertsmainframe COBOL source programs into astandard, more legible format, making it
easier to get a handle on what they're doing,and thus shortening the time needed toimplement changes and/or enhancements.Shareware from Laurel Computer Services, Inc.
LIBOBJ.ZIP 5,562 06-27-94 BreaksLIB files into .OBJ files. HandlesLIB's that LIB itself cannot alwaysrecognise. Source. Programmers Tool.
LMC.ZIP 147,239 01-28-94 LMC Assembler/Debugger (Little Man Comp Lang
LOADGIF2.ZIP 70,238 02-14-94 Gif And Lzw Decompression Routines - Now InProtected Mode
LOCASE22.ZIP 11,622 02-24-94 LOCASE22.EXE v2.2 Converts upper case namesin PAF to lower case. Retains integrity of 2letter state codes in upper case.
LOGIT_20.ZIP 49,191 10-11-94 LOGIT v2.0, a simple program to keep track ofthe time spent programing or writing in thEDITOR. Helps in the ease of billing for timeIf your like most the rest that like to try
before you read<G>, if you don't enter a filename to edit when your in the editor just hit<ENTER> to exit.
LOOKVD20.ZIP 5,594 03-10-94 LookVid v2.0: TSR pgm which allows you tolook into the video segment while runninganother program
LUMINET.ZIP 121,765 09-04-93 LumiNet Tools 1.5 Make WP doc from C/Clipper
MENUSTAY.ZIP 10,292 04-13-94 MenuStay 1.0. Menus without hold RMB add itemcommands.
MODEGEN.ZIP 35,750 06-10-94 Sc files for computing XFree settings.
MPPRG1_0.ZIP 4,924 03-22-94 Programmer's docs for MultiPack 1.0.
MULTIDLL.ZIP 15,156 05-01-94 Demo How To Have Multiple DLLs SharingVariables And Files
NAMCLN20.ZIP 67,064 02-24-94 NAMCLN20.EXE Removes unused names from PAFNAME2.DAT file. Swaps 2 letter postal codefor full state names. Adds/deletes 'Co.' tocounty names. Adds/deletes 'USA' from placename level 4.
NOEH.ZIP 10,946 05-27-94 NOEHxx Libraries v1.0. Assembly language libswhich resolve calls to exception relatedcompiler helper functions to dummy functionsthat return appropriate return values.
NR200202.ZIP 51,249 02-09-94 Patch for misc bugs in Numerical Recipes v2algorithms, freely distributable patch, butonly useful to fix the copyrighted NR v2.00source files.
NUI.ZIP 16,027 02-15-94 Use 3-D Dialog Boxes In Toolbook
NWGCCSTR.ZIP 47,069 03-31-94 An Amiga-specific startup code for GCC, likeSAS/C.
OWLMFC.ZIP 187,246 05-10-94 Technical comparison of Borland's OWL 2.0 andMicrosoft's MFC 2.5 from Borland.
PCGPE10.ZIP 780,738 07-04-94 PC Games Programmers Encylopedia V1.0 & 1.0aPatch
PCTV5N2.ZIP 97,693 06-17-94 Source Code from PC Techniques magazine Vol.5, No. 2.
PCWORD.ZIP 216,551 05-11-94 PcWord 1.89k : Intended as a Programmers WordProcessor; Uses HyperText functions tofacilitate cross referenced links withautomatic page numbering. DOS 2.11, 320Kmemory, 440k disk, 8088 PC/XT. From TaliSoft,
By Andrew Sprott, UK
PCXSCR.ZIP 3,364 06-14-94 Subroutine for Fortran 5.1 applications whichwill save the entire screen as a PCX file.
PDSUTIL4.ZIP 379,756 05-07-94 Collection of Utility/Programming Examples inPDS 7.1
PEO.ZIP 433,181 02-11-94 PROGRAM ENTITY ORGANIZER 1.2 <ASP> Analysisand documentation tool for COBOL- COBOLanalysis tool to follow and document themyriad of logic and data flow paths throughCOBOL main programs, subprograms, and copy
books; combines programs; shows callhierarchy; provides element name filters; forstructured and spaghetti code. ProgrammingJAMES W. YOUNG
PFE0507.ZIP 389,424 07-11-94 Programmer's File Editor, v0.05.007, a largecapacity, multi-file programming orientededitor for Windows 3.1x. Freeware. July 94.
PGP26SRC.ZIP 640,672 05-23-94 Pretty Good Privacy [from M.I.T.] source forv2.6.
PJ110.ZIP 280,710 02-24-94 PJ V1.10 <ASP> Great source file managementtool- An indispensible programming tool foruse on a software project utilizing sharedproject libraries. Includes: Library checkoutcontrol; Automatic updating of Make and
Library files; and Automatic 'BAK' versionsof up to 1000 files/library. Programming$25.00 MICROTOOLS INC
PMPIANO.ZIP 33,184 02-16-94 Play External Midi Units/Sound Cards From PcKeyboard/Mouse
PSCRN_55.ZIP 353,218 10-09-94 P-Screen v5.5 ANSI screen design/librarysystem for C/Pascal/BASIC/PB
PSEDIT40.ZIP 94,389 06-10-94 PSEDIT v4.0: formerly called BEDIT, easy-touse full screen editor for binary (or text)files; hex / ASCII format so that it can beedited from either side; etc.
PSP_IO.ZIP 19,159 09-02-94 PSP Routines - is a set of assembly languagefunctions and an executable module fordemonstrating their usage.
QINST21.ZIP 123,564 05-27-94 QUIK-INSTALL is an easy to setup and useapplication installation program. Supportsmultiple disks installations, copies files orunpaks EXE archives, checks available diskspace, configurable colors, prompt & message,
less than 7k in size, completely menu driven,no scripts or programming, stores setupinternally, (No .CFG or script files.) fullmouse support, context sensitive help andmuch more! <ASP>
QSHADE.ZIP 66,243 06-24-94 Quick Shading - is the full source for 3Dquick shading.
RAMSWAP.ZIP 10,924 01-26-94 RamSwap - allows a programmer to write alarge complex application under the DOSenvironment and still have plenty of memoryfor child processes.
RECALL12.ZIP 38,295 03-08-94 TifaWARE RECALL v1.2c commandline editor andhistory TSR. Takes up less than 3K whenresident; 1K buffer for commands. Includessource for TASM v3.0. Last updated 03-Jul-93.Public domain.
REGKEY30.ZIP 328,519 03-07-94 RegKey 3.00 - Registration key system for proSupports C, C++, Turbo Pascal, QuickBASIC, ViAllows distribution of your software for demopays for your program, they receive a registr
application into registered mode, possibly en
RES_EZ.ZIP 57,852 10-11-94 RESUME - EZ v 2.0 A program to create aResume, and/or cover page. The RESUME - EZ isuser-friendly, Simply fill in the fileds andprint.
SAUCS1.ZIP 47,068 02-24-94 SHAREWARE AUTHOR & USER CASE STUDY v1 Answersquestions that shareware authors often ask,such as what motivates users to register,what prevents them from doing so, how muchthey are willing to pay, how to get one's
program "out there", whether or notcrippling/nagging works, how long users taketo evaluate programs before paying, etc ...Answers are based on survey responses fromshareware users and successful authors.
SBBSDEFS.ZIP 23,286 06-02-94 Synchronet 2.00a type definitions and specsfor programmers.
SB_TEXT.ZIP 6,594 09-04-93 Sound Blaster Programming Information
SDSRA.001 3,174 05-30-94 Software Distribution System - SDSRAInformation File #001
SHROUDIT.ZIP 242,927 05-31-94 ShroudIt! source code shrouder v1.0, worksfor any programming language. MUST HAVE toolfor any serious professional programmer.Allows you to protect your source code,provide protected toolkits and libraries,
port source across platform on customerssite, and so on. Patent pending templatingworks for 'C', Pascal, dBase, BASIC, COBOL,SQL, Prolog, PERL and more. Tutorial andmanual provided on disk.
SINSTD10.ZIP 275,072 08-29-94 SuperInstall for DOS v1.00 <ASP> Thissoftware installation program is completelymenu-driven. You only need to provide basicinformation on your program and it does therest. You don't have to write complex
scripts. You can check the user's system forvarious requirements, modify the systemconfiguration files, create directories,display a README file... ZIP 2.0 compressionis internal. No royalties.
SOFTKIT.ZIP 198,232 05-16-94 Software Company Kit v1.3 - Integratedpackage for shareware authors and diskvendors. Orders go in - disks, receipts, disklabels, and mailing labels come out.Relational databases track customers, sales,
and products. Makes disks, labels, andprintouts. Creates and manages DIZ files.Disk calculator fits files on disks. Supports1 or 2 printers. Epson, HP,and IBM supportbuilt in. Can be setup for any printer.
SOLARS.ZIP 13,479 03-19-94 Solaris X86 Compatiblity Gulde
SPAWN33.ZIP 103,407 06-12-94 Source in C, Pascal and Assembler to swapEMS, XMS or disk.
SPEDIT30.ZIP 160,987 06-05-94 SPRite EDitor for 256 color sprites. Great fogame programmers, designers. Lots of featuresGood documentation. Animate images and makemultiple sprites. Good palette functions and
even better pixel control. Perfect for any gadesigners. Use blend, tint and gradients, etto create the perfect images.
SPELMATE.ZIP 481,530 06-08-94 Spelmate Spell Checker Windows DLL ToolSpelmate V1.4 allows developers to add spellchecking capabilities to their own WindowsApplication. Spelmate can be used from C, C++,Pascal and Visual Basic. Example Programs in
all three languages are supplied. Spelmate isavailable in either British or Americanversions as Standard, or Both as professional
SPLASH.ZIP 66,627 06-24-94 Splash16.DLL - is a library that allows C/C++and VB programmers to add a splash/startupscreen that is displayed while your programstarts. Sample programs are provided in MFCC++ and Visual Basic.
SPYTRAK.ZIP 79,856 06-14-94 SpyTrak - is a TSR, disassembling anddebugging tool.
SQDEV200.ZIP 862,107 07-25-94 Squish Developers Kit For Programmers.
SQLDTA_1.ZIP 1436,985 06-07-94 SQL Data Administrator 1.0 - a front endutility for ODBC programmers. Part 1 of 2.
SQLDTA_2.ZIP 1114,799 06-07-94 SQL Data Administrator 1.0 - is a front-endutility for ODBC programmers. Part 2 of 2.
SR_MODEM.ZIP 7,693 03-13-94 SR_MODEM DLL Provides Functions to Test ForVoice Mail, etc.
STRX.ZIP 50,002 05-26-94 strX - is an improved, general purpose STRclass. NEW: reverse searching and replacing,support for Borland 4.0, member functioncount expanded, increased support forcharacter searching.
SWT311A.ZIP 168,297 11-05-93 SHAREWARE TRACKER v3.11 <ASP> - (1of2)Business and record keeping office system forshareware authors. It keeps track ofregistered users, submissions, revenue andexpenses. Update, tech support, subscription
sales, and more. Mail-merges letters andlabels. User-defined and pre-defined reports,and much much more. Requires a hard drive.DOS 3.3 or higher. Shareware $29. Minorupdate adds credit card ordering info.
SWT311B.ZIP 285,780 11-05-93 SHAREWARE TRACKER v3.11 <ASP> - (2of2)Business and record keeping office system forshareware authors. It keeps track ofregistered users, submissions, revenue andexpenses. Update, tech support, subscription
sales, and more. Mail-merges letters andlabels. User-defined and pre-defined reports,and much much more. Requires a hard drive.DOS 3.3 or higher. Shareware $29. Minorupdate adds credit card ordering info.
T2B120.ZIP 43,014 02-04-94 Text-to-Binary Conversion Program (Version1.20). Allows you to maintain binary files intext format. Useful for patching files, andprinters. Supports radix, symbols, textstrings, escape sequences, and comments.
TAGR27.ZIP 32,620 05-09-94 TAG BBS message C, Pascal structures.
TCURSO.ZIP 15,999 09-03-93 PDOXWIN TCursor Example in Sample Directory
TDEX33.ZIP 141,023 02-05-94 Teledex - is a handy card-file using ISAMtechnology.
TED.ZIP 153,702 05-13-94 TED is an editor for assembler. With it, youmay, edit, compile, link, run, and debugassembler programs. You just need TASMX andTLINK. Enjoy !
THEPRN25.ZIP 148,481 07-24-94 THE PRINTER 2.5 Programmer's database ofprinter codes for HUNDREDS of printers! ThePrinter helps eliminate a nightmare manyprogrammers face: * Formatting text on thedozens or hundreds of different printers our
users have. * To print bold here, italicsthere, etc., one needs printer codes thatwill work REGARDLESS of which printer a userinstalls. The Printer provides them!!
TSTDEV.ZIP 22,956 03-08-94 Test Device Sample Program 2. Determines DasdDevice Types
UNIW32.ZIP 23,194 04-22-94 Unicode Support in Win32 - Whitepaper.
UNST20.ZIP 170,213 05-23-94 Universal Install v2.0 <ASP> Softwareinstallation program development kit. Developyour own INSTALL.EXE featuring: greater then50% file compression, modifications to ANYfile, view/print text files, create a batch
file to run your software, and it LOOKS LIKEYOUR OWN SOFTWARE. Universal Install providesall the tools necessary to develop aprofessional installation in minutes.
VASN129.ZIP 48,000 03-15-94 Volume and Serial Number Version 1.29 allowschanging the serial number and volume name ondisks formatted with DOS versions 4.x andabove. Repeated incremental numbering is nowincluded. Registration is only $6.00 SMSnet,
VC154.ZIP 41,063 03-20-94 Programmers utility to compare two programsource files.
VCNVT2.ZIP 13,678 09-22-94 10/10/94 Voice convert routines (.EXE and .C)
VERPAT00.ZIP 18,258 07-16-94 Inserts Version Information in Finished 2.1Executables.
VGAPAL40.ZIP 33,118 02-20-94 VGAPAL 4.0 - palette customizer for VGA text.Creates a small (< 2k) TSR that maintainsyour preferred color scheme. Disable blinkingand choose from over 262,000 colors! Save up
to four palettes. Can alternatively set colorscheme from one of these without using theTSR.
VIEWDOC.ZIP 12,487 07-19-94 ViewDoc v1.0: pgm that makes it much easierfor your readers to read your documents thatnot only provides an easy to use viewinginterface w/mouse support and find/printfunctions but also lets you easily
incorporate menus into your documentationthat take the reader exactly where they wantto go; 07/19/94; RSE, Inc.
VNDINF10.ZIP 65,182 02-28-94 VENDINFO File-Format and Tools Standardv1.00. <ASP> Contains VENDINFO.DIZ filespecification and associated documentation.
VNDNFO10.ZIP 598,635 01-05-94 VENDINFO Toolkit v1.00. <ASP> The VENDINFOfile format allows the author to communicatea great deal of product and distributionpolicy information to shareware distributors.Distributors can then automate distribution-
rights testing and information extraction.Includes VendEdit editor for authors,VendPrcs processor for distributors, examplesand test files. Create and use VENDINFO.DIZfiles.
VNDUTL10.ZIP 20,610 07-27-94 VendUtil VENDINFO Utilities v1.02 <ASP>. Asmall collection of batch files and othermiscellany for VENDINFO users. Includes batchfiles to aid in Product Registry and SDNsubmissions, CompuServe uploads. Also most
recent CATEGORY.INF file, *.DST files toallow authors to import distributorinformation into VENDINFO files, etc.Portions relevant to authors, vendors,sysops, end-users, etc. Updated frequently.
VSET11.ZIP 65,664 04-08-94 Visible::Setup(tm) 1.1 - RCCO ResearchDevelopers' installation utility for DOSapplications. Simple, clean, professionalinstallations; no scripts or macros to write.Easier than batch files, yet far more
professional in appearance and exe- cution.For MS-DOS language applications, includingCA-Clipper, Turbo Pascal, Quick- BASIC,Clarion, C, etc. Small, fast, efficient.Registration: $21.95.
VURTUAL.ZIP 159,687 06-26-94 A New Programming Language/Concept. PublicDomain. All Source Code Included.
WAVMIX.ZIP 414,303 04-06-94 Microsoft's WAVEMIX.DLL update - improves onthe one supplied with MS Arcade and includesa programming library for Windows gamesdevelopment.
WDEVNT.ZIP 344,746 02-09-94 WINDEV v1.561 ASP - An integrated programdevelopment environment for MS Windows, thatcan be used just as well for text editingonly. It has a powerful multi-windowed editorwith configurable key bindings and a
search/replace command using UNIX regularexpressions. Other features include tool &status bars, hex viewer, file comparison,hypertext links, and a direct interface toany vendor's compiler. $32.00
WINLITE2.ZIP 243,139 08-14-94 Rosenthal WinLite - compresses MS-Windowsprograms, to dramatically reduce their size.Compressed programs are functionallyidentical to the originals, only smaller.
XEQ160.ZIP 15,870 03-14-94 Xeq 1.60: Com File Library And CommandExecutor
XLIB40.ZIP 226,879 03-26-94 XLIB is a library of procedures which cangreatly simplify protected mode programmingunder DOS. XLIB provides the simplest andmost reliable method for accessing extendedmemory from real mode languages. A tutorial
on protected mode is included. XLIBprocedures handle mode switching, extendedmemory, memory-mapped IO, interrupts, andfiles. Version 4.0 also handles CPUexceptions, and performs debugging functions.XLIB operates under DPMI, VCPI, XMS and clean
configurations. Both Microsoft and Borlandformats are included.
XRAY11.ZIP 11,509 02-13-94 XRAY v1.1 - Utilities which allow Windowsprograms which can call a DLL (C, VisualBasic) to access the screens of DOSapplications running in 386enh DOS Windows.Includes examples, Libs and Include files.
Shareware by Keith P. Graham.
XV_PC16A.ZIP 178,121 07-07-94 XView-PC: Graphical User Interface for TurboC and Turbo Pascal - The XView-PC graphicaluser interface attempts to be similar to theXView toolkit used in Sun workstations, in a
simplified from. It can be used in Pascal, C,or C++ versions.